Behind The Name: Our Daily Graces

When I finally decided that I should start a blog, one of the things that held me back was not having a name that could capture everything that would be on here. I also wanted something simple and that would represent our family. The grace of God kept coming into my mind over and over as I prayed and thought about it. I asked Brett on his opinion on a few web addresses and that is how came to be.

The title of "Our Daily Graces" captures it all, every day is a grace from God. We are learning to see everything in life as grace. We are discovering that grace is what binds our marriage together. Some days it is easy to see grace and other days it takes work to see it.

According to the Webster dictionary, Grace is unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that the gift of grace "surpasses the power of human intellect and will" and that "with regard to God, there is no strict right to any merit on the part of man. Between God and us there is an immeasurable inequality". This means that we can't buy grace with our works, it is a gift from God. His love to be with us and make us holy grants us grace! We also have the freedom to deny or block the grace from God. Our freedom is grace.

I pray that every day I become better at seeing and accepting grace.
When I get criticized and accused, grace. When I realize I’m not the kind, patient, and loving wife I intend to be, grace. When I get down on myself for working too much or not enough, grace. When I haven’t checked anything off my to-do list, grace. When I chose to not work out or eat healthy, grace. When a teen is being disrespectful towards me, grace. When I get discouraged in my ministry, grace. I am choosing to release my harsh and sometimes worldly standards and learning to embrace His grace in my weakness. His power is perfected in my weakness. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9.

My prayer is that as I share my thoughts you will also come to see the graces that are present in your daily life so that for you His grace is also enough!

Grace Abounds, 

Itzel Duke
