
The biggest thing that happened to us this year of 2021, is our little girl. Second to that is watching our son become a brother. There is something so special about the bond between siblings and my heart overfills with joy as I think of the dynamic duo these two already make. 

As is the name of my blog, I try to share and see where the gifts from God that are undeserved are in my life. I definitely didn't deserve such perfect kids and getting to witness how they love each other is something I will not take for granted. 

In my family, I'm the oldest of 4, here on earth and also the only girl. I always knew that my brothers were just God's gift to me. Thankfully, as we've all grown and continue to grow, we remain close and that is also a gift. A gift that I hope my children always share, closeness. 

There is a few things that my children do currently that I want to document so I don't forget but also so those who read can enjoy.

When my son first wakes up, the first place he wants to go is to his "sis sis" room. Sometimes that means waking her up from her sleep. She gets the brightest smile on her face regardless.  It's the sweetest thing. 

My daughter laughs the loudest when her brother is doing the simplest thing. Mom and dad have to act like clowns to get her to belly laugh but her brother can make her crack up as soon as she catches sight of him.

My son loves to hug and kiss her and in fact when he first saw her as we got home from the hospital that's the first thing he did. He wanted to hold her and kiss her. I hear from other parents that this isn't always the case especially with such a close age gap. 

I know that it won't always be this wont always be the same as one day they will be elementary kids fighting over toys and attention and then teenagers begging the other to leave them alone but I want to remind myself that in each stage of their lives, there will be sweet moments. There will be moments of God's grace in our home. I just have to open my eyes to them. 
